Happy Always?

I was very touched on my birthday when many friends and colleagues wished me Happy Birthday. But one friend wrote this short text to me that somehow made me ponder about what it means to be happy - "Happy birthday! Happy always!" Indeed, what does it mean to be happy? Some of us have plenty... Continue Reading →

Pulled from the raging sea!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL0ONU3wVC9D186mGG7GsjrdRi2HfYSti-&v=NjOGX5zT8KU This is a song that our choir will be presenting this Sunday. As I try to memorise the song, I cannot help but agree with the lyrics as I remembered how the Lord has pulled me from the raging sea, to be safe on solid ground! “The grace of God has reached for me... Continue Reading →

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